Monday, July 7, 2008

Very First Step - Calculate your CO2 footprint

A Carbon Footprint is a "measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gasses produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide" It is an useful measure meant to vision your impact on global warming.
To become Carbon Neutral you need to reach the value "Zero"

When I started "Think Green Act Clean" the first thing I did was to understand the size of my household CO2 footprint.

My carbon footprint at the moment is 16.7. It is still very high if you compare it to the German one, which is about 10 or the Italian one of about 8. When I started 1 year ago my carbon footprint was 18. It is not easy or quick, but when I see my results I feel I have the power to change something I thought was bigger than me. The most impressive feedback you have when you cut your CO2 footprint is that you actually SAVE MONEY too!!

(On this link you can find the everage procapita CO2 footprint of every country from 1990 up to 2004, LOOK FOR YOURS!)

In this blog I'll tell you what I did and what I will try to do and my progresses. Hope to reach 10 one day. Websites where you can calculate your footprint: I like this because you can make pledges and it shows you the improvements of your footprints; made from the EPA, which include your waste; It’s more accurate because take in consideration in which state you live; It can be personal or of the all household;

and many more….. See the list with all the characteristic of each one and chose .

Start to use these tools and you will feel much better!

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