Saturday, October 3, 2009

People’s Republic of China here in USA to explore sustainable development models

This summer myself and my family had the pleasure and the honor to host the participants to the "ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, A Project for the People’s Republic of China" under the auspice of Department of State's INTERNATIONAL VISITOR LEADERSHIP PROGRAM. Many thanks to the Greater Cincinnati World Affairs Council to give us the opportunity to have this wonderful Chinese delegation for dinner. We were very happy to meet Mr. Yun LAI (Anti-toxics Campaigner-Greenpeace China), Mr. Qichang LIN (Director of Hazardous Waste Administration Center-Heilongjiang Environmental Protection Bureau), Mr. Jianfeng WANG (Deputy Director-Qiqihaer Environmental Protection Bureau) and Ms. Lingzhen WANG (Assistant Secretary General-Chengdu Urban Rivers Association). It was their first time visiting USA. I hope they had a chance to experiment an ordinary American family weekend day in Cincinnati and relax from their intensive program. Together we took a walk on the new Anderson Township Five Mile Trail and we explored our suburb. They were very impressed of seeing wildlife, like deers, goose and rabbits, so close to a residential area . They loved to visit the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden in the morning. Then we had a very good time eating a simple Italian dinner and talking about the Olympics and our cultures. They taught my daughters to use chopsticks and my daughters loved their company so much that they wished them to come for their birthday next year. I think that the best amusement of the evening, was my 5 yr old daughter trying to eat ice cream with chopsticks. We loved all their gifts among which a little mascot of the Olympics made with the skin of a fish, lucky chains with a dragon and a monkey, silk foulard, chopsticks and a reusable tote bag from Green Peace. I hope those programs will help the exchange of technology and expertise between China and USA to solve Climate Change and save our Earth together.

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